Yoga Studio, yoga studios, bodywork, natick massage

Roots & Wings

Yoga and Healing Arts

A Sample of Our Past Events

current events and workshops

class schedule

Shamanic Healing Tools From Northern Peru with the Twin Shamans
with Pierre with the Shaman Twins
(meets on 10/17, with ceremony 7-10 pm)

The "Twin Shamans", Peruvian Grandmothers, world famous "curanderas" and healers from the Northern Peru come to New England to offer a one day Workshop & San Pedro "Mesada" Ceremony.

Artisan Market and Youth Entrepreneur Sale during Autumn Art & Music Fest 2015
with Artisans & your artists
(Artisan Market: 10/11. Entire Fest spans Thu 10/8-Sun 10/11)

Attend our best ever Juried Artisan Market, Artisan Food + Youth Artist Entrepreneur Sale. Sun, 10/10 from 10-3. (Entire Art & Music Fest is Thu 10/8-Sun 10/11)

Lisa Ferraro and Erika Luckett Just Be Loved Concert (Autumn Art & Music Fest) 2015
with Lisa Ferraro and Erika Luckett
(Concert Date: 10/10)

Internationally acclaimed musicians Lisa Ferraro and Erika Luckett serve their exquisite brand of Acoustic World Soul at Roots & Wings Yoga and Healing Arts.

Transformation with Rob Wergin
with Rob
(meets: 10/9, 1-time rare event)

Are you ready to transform your life? Do you know what is possible for you?

Charity Music Performance feat. Lisa Ferraro & Erika Luckett Concert during Autumn Art & Music Fest 2015
with Lisa Ferraro, Erika Luckett, BenSpeaks/Open Fields and youth performers from NDW
(Charity Concert: 10/8, location is off-site)

Internationally acclaimed musicians Lisa Ferraro and Erika Luckett collaborate with powerful youth musicians for a Charity Music Performance to benefit Branching Out 501(c)3.

Lucid Dreaming to Expanded Consciousness & Personal Realization
with Sandy and Robert
Nov. 16 & 17, 2013

Explore successful techniques to become a lucid dreamer and reap the benefits of the immense potential for personal growth, healing, & wholeness...and more!

Artisan Market Benefit
with artisans, youth, local organizations
Nov. 3, 2013

This year we feature our popular Artisan Market with local artisans, our Youth Art Sale with entrepreneurial youth artists, and our community connections with local organizations.

Free Yoga Class: feel with all your heart, live with all your heart
with Roots & Wings instructors
Apr. 21, 2013

A yoga class for our community to come together, to feel, connect, open, and just be present within our own selves. Please invite your family and friends, this is a no cost event. All are welcome.

Free acupuncture for those affected by the Marathon tragedy
with David M.
Apr. 20, 2013

20-30 minute acupuncture treatments for those experiencing trauma or needing support following the Marathon tragedy.

Planting Seeds: A Benefit Concert for Branching Out
with Willie Sordillo & his Trio
Mar. 15, 2013

Roots & Wings and Open Spirit of Framingham co-sponsor this benefit concert for Branching Out with three-time Boston Music Award winner, writer, and alto saxophonist Willie Sordillo and the Willie Sordillo Trio, including bass and piano.

Building Hope: How a Positive Attitude and Meaningful Action Can Move Mountains
with Gabriel
Mar. 5, 2013

Gabriel Bol Deng is a "Lost Boy" of South Sudan who fled his country when he was 10 years old and his village was attacked by militiamen. Despite these tragic events, he went on to graduate from college in the US and return home to Africa to build a school to educate and empower girls and boys of South Sudan. Hear Gabriel's message about how to build hope and resiliency in yourself and your children.

Winter Solstice Gathering to Benefit Trafficked Children
with Sandy
Dec. 21, 2012

Back in 2005, according to a U.S. Department of State, The Facts About Child Sex Tourism: 2005, there were over 1 million children exploited by the global commercial sex trade. The total yearly profits generated by international human trafficking (including here in the U.S.), is over $32 billion dollars, and 80% of these are women or children. According to the U.S. State Department's in their 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP), there are as many as 27 million victims of human trafficking, with as many as 100,000 in the U.S.

Thanksgiving Day Yoga
with Katherine
Nov. 22, 2012

An eclectic, creative, moderate flow style of yoga which emphasizes opening the physical and energetic bodies while quieting the mind.

Intro to Vocal EnergeticsTM: Sounding the Body Resonant
with Judith K.
Oct. 7, 2012

Learn to use your original instrument, your voice, in a r/evolutionary way to help heal yourself, others and the planet by tapping into primal resonance that manifests in each of us and connects us all.

Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda
with Swami
Oct. 5, 2012

Includes time for chanting (kirtan), meditation, teaching, and question and answers. Join the originator of Svaroopa® yoga for this enlightening event.

Journey Along the Path - Menopause and the Mystery
with Dr. Gold
June 22, 2012

Dr. Margaret Gold, MD, unplugs from her office life at Visions Medical Center and chats with us about health and well-being, while finding a way in her talks to bring the Spiritual into our daily experience. Dr. Gold is a Board Certified Family Medicine physician, 5-Element Acupuncturist, shamanic practitioner, and Level III Reiki practitioner with a remarkable history as a physician and healer.

Heaven on Earth with Psychic Medium Sirry Berndsen
with Sirry
June 16, 2012

Certified Psychic Medium, Sirry Berndsen will use her incredible gift to communicate with those in spirit to bring us their messages. They want to talk to you just as much as you want to hear from them. This is your chance to make that connection!

Integrative Yoga Therapy for Chronic Pain & Illness
with Alaine

A gentle, therapeutic course for those living with the daily challenges of chronic pain & illness.

Yoga Class to benefit New Orleans
with David
May 17, 2012

David Helfand teaches this yoga class to raise money for New Orleans.

Family Yoga Class to benefit Yoga Reaches Out 2012 Yogathon Boston
with Elizabeth
March 17, 2012

Celebrate your family's spirit while raising money. There will be music, yoga games, partner poses and foot massages!

A Peaceful Holiday Offering
with Carol
Dec. 18, 2011

A blend of movement to reduce stress and tension, resting poses to relax and renew, and loving meditations to carry you through in the true spirit of the season.

Peace Abbey Benefit: Artisan Market and Yoga Classes
with Artisans
Nov. 6, 2011

Shop for hand-crafted items made by local artists (11 am to 3 pm) and try out a variety of yoga classes (9 am to 3 pm).

Artisan Market and Benefit
with Artisans
May 7, 2011

Shop for hand-crafted items made by local artists of all ages, get a chair-massage, enjoy refreshments, support a family in need, and come together as a community.

Opening Our Hearts to Haiti
with Katherine McClean and Rosanne
Feb. 13, 2010

Heart Opening Meditations, Mudras, Special Emphasis on the Spiritual Poetry of Rumi and Hafiz, Movement, Music

All proceeds will be donated to "Partners in Health."

Visitors from the Federation of Damanhur, Italy
with Sandy
Oct. 2-5, 2009

Damanhur is an internationally renowned community in Italy encouraging freedom and growth of the individual through active participation in spirituality, metaphysics, social research, nature, sustainable living and art in all forms.